Prevention is the
best medicine:
Hate that stuffy uncomfortable feeling, fatigue and body ache. Research has shown the very best way to avoid the cold and flu season is to prevent, prevent, prevent. Here are some excellent ways to keep from getting sick.
1) Make sure you
are washing your hands for 20-30 seconds frequently. It is the friction and length of time that
are important in hand washing.
Cough into the crook of your elbow or onto your shirt
where people are less likely to come into physical contact with the germs. Don’t cover you cough with your hand where
you are then more susceptible to passing on the pathogens (germs).
Be very careful to use a tissue when touching your
eyes. The virus will be on your hand and
the warm, wet eye is perfect breeding ground and entry point for the
virus. Use every preventative measure to
your advantage.
Drink plenty of fluids
Get enough rest
6) Wear a scarf around your neck, you want to keep the back of your neck covered.
Listen to your body, become keenly aware of the signs
your body is giving you and then adapt and change your behavior so you stay
8) If at all possible avoid crowds and other sick people.
At the Advanced Wellness Center we treat colds and flues all the time and are excellent at mitigating the uncomfortable symptoms. We have excellent antiviral herbal formulas that are amazing at keeping you well.
Call us for an appointment 425-462-9355 or email
For more information, click here.