Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Would you like to feel better? How about being sick less often?


Boosting your immune system is as easy as pie.  Yes, pie. 

It always starts with nutrition.
If you are sick all the time, tired all the time and just worn out.
Boosting your immune system could really make you feel better.  Here are several ways to boost your immune system.

  • Improve the quality of the food you eat.
  • Eat whole unprocessed foods, for example eat the whole apple, not apple chips. 
  • Increase the number of fruits and vegetables you eat.  Shoot for 6-8 servings per day.
  • Eat locally grown foods, use the farmers market, this guarantees the freshest food.
  • Add some green tea to your daily routine.  Great at weight loss and an anti-inflammatory.
Other ways to improve your immune system.
  • Add meditation to your daily routine.  20 minutes of meditation is the equivalent of 2 hours of sleep.
  • When you meditate you are in a heightened state of healing, your body repairs itself.
  • Walk every day for a minimum of 20 minutes, this stimulates many neurotransmitters that will strengthen your immunity.
  • Get enough rest.  In the 1950's we slept 9 hours per night, we now sleep less than 6 hours.  That is a lot of sleep deprivation.  Your body restores itself when you sleep.
  • Book an acupuncture appointment to increase your T cell production boosting your immunity.
  • Ask me about a custom herbal formula that will build your immunity.
Ready to feel great.  Chinese Medicine is fantastic at building your immunity and getting you feeling young and vibrant.  I would love to facilitate your improved immunity.

Give me a call and schedule an appointment today (425) 462-9355 or e mail marylee@calmesawc.com

For more information, click here.

You deserve to feel fantastic!